How to choose Grips To do cross training?

How to choose the best Grips for crossfit? 

We give you the keys to get with the Grips that more adapt to your level and needs. 

What are the Grips?


The Grips of CrossFit They are specialized parts of X-training equipment made for Improve performance and the security During functional training, which often include a variety of diverse and high -intensity exercises.

Main benefits of using Grips PICSIL:  

  • Increase in grip force: The Grips PICSIL provide a safer grip on teams such as dominated bars, kettlebells and weights. This is particularly beneficial during the exercises that imply a lot of use of the hand, such as Pull-ups or Kettlebell Swings, where sweat in the hands can produce slippers. 
  • Hand protection: Are Grips They are designed to protect the hands of ampoules, calluses and rasgaduras, which are common due to repetitive grip and friction associated with training. This can favor the performance of athletes, allowing them to train more frequently and comfort. 
  • Higher performance: By improving grip from the wrist, athletes can often pay better particularly in bar exercises. Greater stability in grip and reduction in forearm tension can improve the ability to make more repetitions or hold the posture for longer in timed training. 
  • Reduction of injury risk: By providing a protective barrier and a better grip, Grips PICSIL reduce the risk of accidents and accidental falls. This security feature is essential during high intensity sessions, where the risk of injuries is greater. 
  • Polyvalence: the Grips PICSIL are versatile and can be used for various types of exercises beyond the bar work, including rope climbing and weightlifting. This makes them an indispensable accessory for routines of crossfit, Ideally using several models according to the training and surface of each exercise. 
  • Greater concentration: With less concern about the discomfort of the hand or sliding, athletes can focus more on their technique and the execution of the movements, which leads to more effective training. 

The Grips sand they use mainly in sports such as gym, the calisthenics and the crossfit To make bar and rings movements, such as T2B, Butterfland, MUSCLand UP and T2R.

The Grips either Grips For women or man (no sex distinction) They are very versatile in activities like him crossfit since you can also use them to protect your hands in the Olympic uprisings that combine a wod, known as movements of weightlifting (For this type of movements, the use of dolls for weightlifting)

Unlike gloves, Grips They cover part of the hand, leaving the fingers and the sides of the palm free. This form allows you to keep the natural grip of your own hand, to optimize it during exercise.  

The objective of Grips PICSIL is minimize friction of the bar in the most sensitive area of ​​the hands (center of the palm), Improve grip In each training and allow More repetitions followed to help improve the execution time in each WOD.  

The Grips PICSIL are manufactured in various materials, such as leather or synthetic tissues, and each offers different levels of comfort, durability and grip. The choice of the right type depends on the personal preferences and characteristics and the specific demands of the regime, frequency and level of functional training of the athlete and all this we will talk about next. 

What do I have to look at when choosing some Grips for crossfit? 


There are different guys of Grips To practice crossfit, with variDraza of shapes and materials, but all they They have their structure in common, and all of them are Grips Unisex, For women or man without distinction: 

TOguers at the top to fit the fingers (In the case of being Grips With holes)

In the case of being Grips without holes, ergonomic form at the end of the fingers for a better grip.

ORna smooth and elongated to protect your palms (With varieties of material and thicknesses) 

ORn closure hypoallergenic and resistant In the limb to immobilize the wrist 

In some models of Grips PICSIL, Foam To protect rusts from rings (P. eg: Phoenix and Hawk)

As for the material, shape, number of holes and other characteristics, in the Grips PICSIL We have studied the in -depth issue to manufacture The best Grips for crossfit And that adapt to all athletes and its different levels. 


So, What should I consider to choose my Grips PICSIL?


1.- Depending on the material of the Grips

To know that Grips It adaptsn better to our needs, it is important to define our priorities in: 

1.A Bar tact Vs comfort and resistance 

Yes ours priority is Feel the bar and the sensation of movement transmission, the models PHoenix Grips (FCoated in Pu + Aramida) and Golden Eagle Grips (manufactured with mIcrodiamonds) They are a very good option of Grips. SI on the contrary nUse priority is comfort and resistance, oughtmos decantus by thicker and resistant models such as FAlcon Grips (manufactured with carbon fiber), COndor Grips (manufactured with psynthetic iel) or the new ones HAwk Grips (MANUFACTUREtos with polyurethane + aramida) For use without magnesium.

1.b Depending on our weight and volume of training 

In second place, there are two factors that are also relevant to opt for a material or another in our Grips PICSIL: el body weight and the Gymnastic training volume. If both are high, it will always be better to opt for Grips resistant (E.g: Grips Falcon Grips either Grips COndor Grips In the case of using magnesium. Grips Hawk Grips If you prefer not to use magnesium), it should be noted that this type of Grips Highly resistant and with great grip, they have an inner layer called "foam" that absorbs and cushions each movement thus generating greater comfort and greater resistance to the athlete in each WOD.  

On the contrary, if we are people with light weight or a medium-low volume of gymnastics, we can feel comfortable and guarantee durability both in the aforementioned models as with Other models of lower thickness, which sacrifice some resistance for other remarkable characteristics, such as a great grip with and without magnesium, and greater sensitivity of the bar in each movement for example, the Grips Phoenix, that work with and without magnesium on the bar and allow each movement to be felt and, being very resistant, they are not as much as the Condor Grips  

2.- CAllras with magnesium or Grips Without magnesium 

 The eternal dilemma of the use of magnesium in the box and the solutions we offer from Picsil. All of ours Grips They are for use With magnesium, with 2 exceptions of the most interesting: PHoenix Grips, totally versatile, suitable on bar with and without magnesium guarantee us good grip in both situations.  
The second option, ideal for environments where the use of magnesium is prohibited, are the HAwk Grips, Designed to provide unprecedented performance in clean bars.

3.- Grips With holes or without holes

3.1 Grips With holes: 
The Grips With holes they usually have 2 or 3 holes through which the fingers are introduced. A bigger hand will prefer some Grips Of three holes and a smaller one will feel more comfortable with some with two holes.  

Advantages of Grips With holes: 

1.- You can choose whether or not to put your fingers. In this way you will have 2n1. There are exercises that demand more contact, such as exercises in rings, where it is more advisable to use Grips With holes, especially if you are a beginner (although for tastes colors, and more and more athletes prefer Grips No holes for rings, thus speed up transitions in your WOD) 
2.- You can make the fold. Thanks to putting your fingers you can make a fold right in the area where calluses that will give you greater protection against friction. 
Among our models of Grips With holes, they stand out: Grips Falcon Grips 3h, Grips Falcon Grips 2h, Grips RX Grips 3h and Grips RX Grips 2h


3.2 Grips without holes:  

In the Grips Without holes, the fingers are on the air and there is no contact between the bar and the palm of the hand. The surface of the palm is larger to offer greater protection, as is the doll area that is thicker for greater support and comfort. 

Advantages of Grips without holes: 

1.- Faster transitions. By not having the fingers in the holes, the transitions between exercises are faster, which makes a more functional training. 

2.- The surfaces of the palm and wrist are wider, and specifically the latter is more reinforced, for greater support, protection and comfort. 


Discover all Grips PICSIL:


Grips Hawk GRIP: 


The Grips Hawk Grips are the best Grips No market magnesium. These new ones Grips They are perfect for clean bars without magnesium. The Grips Hawk They offer high protection and very high resistance in addition to their incredible grip. They are chosen by many athletes who train in boxes where magnesium use is not allowed. The Grips PICSIL Hawk They are made with a triple layer design, with polyurethane and Aramida to offer an extreme grip on clean bars. 

They combine resistance and grip in a very balanced way, which makes them perfect for high training volumes.  

Indistinctly of your level, it is a Grip Perfect for both athletes that have just been started in this sport, and for athletes that have a very advanced level and seek to reduce times and distractions in their training avoiding the use of magnesium. 


Grips Phoenix Grip:


The Grips Phoenix Grips are the best Grips For use with and without magnesium. Phoenix Grips is the versatility made Grip. You are innovative Grips PICSIL are perfect for totally clean bars without magnesium use or for dirty bars after the use of magnesium. The Grips Phoenix They offer medium/high protection and medium resistance, have a higher grip and guarantee a maximum grip in any situation in a competition or in the box. Also thanks to its thickness it allows us to feel the bar in each movement, therefore, they are chosen by many athletes to compete. The Grips PICSIL Model phoenix Grip are made of triple fabric, between these PU and Aramida to guarantee an extreme grip on any situation on the bar and a soft inner layer to avoid chafing. They are suitable for not very heavy or with average volume - under gymnastic training, they are also the perfect grip to compete (we advise to guarantee greater durability, always combine them with a second pair of Grips in your day to day) 

They combine versatility and grip in a very balanced way, which makes them perfect for competition and helps improve the times of each WOD, without distractions to apply magnesium and with maximum grip in any situation where there may be magnesium or not.  



Falcon Grip:


The Grips Falcon grip They are a Top sales in PICSIL From his Lanzaminto. Hiss materials and thickness of 2,4 mm the Convertand in the Grips more resistant to the market. They are recommended for people with a training volume high and body weight high. Thank you to its thickness, durability and incredible grip with magnesium, They are preferred by many athletes.  

The Grips FALCON Grips They are perfect for each Wod. Sa thickness is 2mm and its useful life is long duration. The Grips PICSIL model Falcon Grips They are manufactured with Carbon fiber To guarantee its resistance and durability. Therefore, dDuring the first uses they can be perceived as hard. After several uses estace He leavesn adapting to the form of the hand, obtaining So  elderly grip and comfort with use. There is version with and without holes and they are the favorites of the current Fittest man ON earth and athlete PICSIL Jeff Adler. Here we can see it training with our Grips FAlcon Grip:



The Grips Falcon They offer very high protection and maximum resistance/durability. They have a very good grip with magnesium use, offering total guarantee to our gymnastics. The Grips PICSIL Model falcon GRIP are made of carbon fiber to ensure maximum durability and resistance. They have an inner layer of 0.08 mm to give more softness to the touch and generate less friction in the palm of the hand. 

They combine durability and grip with magnesium in a very balanced way, which makes them perfect for very demanding and frequent training, as well as for heavy athlete. 



Rx Grip:


The Grips Rx They are one of the favorite options of athletes looking for the grip offered by carbon fiber, but they like to feel the bar in each movement thanks to their 1.8mm thickness, which makes them resistant and lasting. They offer a less resistance point than Falcon, Of those that are twin in materials, in order to achieve greater sensitivity. They are made of carbon fiber and have a spectacular grip. 

The Grips RX They offer very high protection and good resistance/durability, they have a good grip with the use of magnesium, guaranteeing our training.  

They combine durability and grip with magnesium in a very balanced way, which makes them perfect for very demanding and frequent training, being suitable in turn for heavy people, with the difference against the model Falcon to produce a greater sensitivity of the bar.  


Grips Condor Grip:


The Grips Condor Grips are another Top sales of PICSIL. They are made of a special fabric called Technical Fabric (synthetic skin), which guarantees a good grip with magnesium and maximum comfort when you hang from the bar. Their thickness, material and padded sensation from the first use, makes them a very good choice for almost any athlete, since it guarantees comfort, resistance and great grip with the use of magnesium since our first contact.  

 Suitable for all types of athletes. They are a little thicker than the rest and also softer. They combine resistance and grip in a very balanced way, which makes them perfect for high training volumes where gymnastic movements and people with high body weight are included.  

Indifferently of your level, their comfort makes them some Grips Perfect both for athletes that have just been started in the world of crossfit, as for those who have a very advanced level. 

The Grips CONDOR Grips They can be your best ally in the box. Its thickness is 2mm and its useful life is long lasting. The Grips PICSIL Condor They are manufactured with a special fabric called Technical Fabric (synthetic skin), which gives them their resistance, durability and greater comfort. Like all of ours Grips, These are 100% vegan materials. From the first uses, it is perceived as ato Grip Paddleto And very comfortableto.  In addition, we can find them in different colors (Coral/Blue, white/blue) Linkar each color to your product on the web One of our most beloved athletes, Roman Khrennikov He is a faithful user of the Grips Condor Grip:


Golden Eagle Grips:


The Grips Golden Eagle are the Grips Perfect with magnesium use for a competition thanks to its lightness, grip and speed in transitions. The Golden Eagle Grips have a 1.8mm thick Grips Condor or the Grips Falcon. They are perfect for competition, average training volume and/or people with medium/low body weight. Perfect as a second pair of Grips. 

The model of Grips Golden Eagle Grip The technology ‘micro diamonds’ is designed with a double extrusion of microputs for a Extreme grip. 

We can find them in two colors (Yellow either purple)

For these reasons are those chosen by many of our athletes to compete, like Helena Carratalá or Rebecka VITESSSON:


It is highly advisable to combine them with a second pair of Grips more resistant such as models Falcon and Condor To alternate between day to day with more comfort and resistance and the competition with more grip and bar tact. 

Regardless of the level, they are some Grips Perfect for both crossfitists who have just started, and for those most advanced.  

Azor Grips:

The Grips Azor Grips are a PICSIL classic. One of the first and the development base of the rest of our Grips. Thanks to its 1.8mm thickness, they allow you to feel the bar in each movement. They are made with a soft interior to protect your hands. Its level of protection and durability is medium. They are made of waterproof, breathable and washable fabric.  

Suitable for all types of athletes. They combine resistance and grip in a very balanced way, which makes them suitable for high training volume where gymnastic movements and people with medium/high body weight are included.  

They are also suitable for all types of athletes regardless of their level.

5 mEjores Grips for crossfit: Best Seller PICSIL

 THE Better Grips With magnesium: 



Golden Eagle Grip:

THE Better Grips For use with And without MAGNESIUM: 



THE Better Grips For use Without magnesium: 



Ceithermbinations of Grips: 2 Better than 1


Our best advice for those who do not want to give up anything and always use the Grips more appropriate, and the current trend in most crossfitists is to have two pairs of Grips That they complement and give us at all times what we need and expect from them.  

Here are some examples of perfect combos of Grips And our reasons to choose to have both models: 

1.- HAWK + PHOENIX: If in your box you are not friends with magnesium, the new HAWK PICSIL are The best Grips Without magnesium. They will give you an incredible grip and great durability on the clean bar without fear of a large volume of gymnastics training. The second perfect and complementary pair for these Grips Without magnesium it could be the model PHOENIX, This model provides us with bars with and without magnesium, in addition to allowing us to feel the bar in each movement due to its thickness. The model of Grips PHOENIX Grips is perfect for competition and low training volume, therefore, you can use it competing (where we can find bars with or without magnesium) and train with them days before the competition to adapt the grip and movement. No doubt the perfect combo if you are from "Team Chalkless" 

2.- PHOENIX + CONDOR/FALCON: You love pHoenix, you like to feel the bar in each movement thanks to its thickness and the freedom that gives you not to depend on the magnesium to expedite transitions and, of course, Be able to face bars with and without magnesium guaranteeing The best grip. If you are a person with body weight greater than 80kg and/or with a high volume of gymnastics training, it is not advisable to use only and continuously only the Grips Phoenix. Lor ideal to guarantee the durability of these, is to combine them with Grips of great resistance in the day to day with which we will feel the bar less, but ensure durability of our accessory to crossfit And of course we will continue to guarantee a good grip. In this case and as a perfect combo for you, we have 2 options. Both very resistant, with great grip and one of the favorites of our athletes: Grips CONDOR GripS and Grips FALCON GripS, in terms of grip and durability both are two very good options. In this case the choice of one model or another is a decision further staff. On the one hand, we have the model CONDOR GripS, composed of synthetic skin and with a feeling of comfort, "padded" effect from the first uses. Some of our athletes like Roman Khrennikov either SEPIUS They are faithful to them. Another valid option is the model FALCON Grips, carbon fiber, which will make us feel the Grip Hard, but with the use of 100% to our hand. Some of our athletes further loyal to this model are the current FIttest man ON ANDArth Jeff Adler, or the most in the form of Spain, Fabi BENEITO, inter alia.

3.- Golden Eagle + CONDOR/FALCON: Taking advantage of the fact that we have talked about Silvia García (our dear Sepius) we cannot forget another star combo, his favorite: Golden Eagle Grips to compete, due to his great grip and transmission in each movement. As with the model Phoenix Its thickness limits us in terms of high gymnastics volume and the best option to guarantee its durability is to combine these with a second pair of Grips PICSIL (andIt is important to remember that Grips Golden Eagle require magnesium for proper functioning).  

The ideal to guarantee the durability of our Grips Golden Eagle Grip, is to combine them with a second Grips of great resistance. In this case, we recommend 2 of our star model. Both very resistant, with great grip: Grips CONDOR Grip and Grips FALCON Grip 

These are some of the multiple combos of Grips PICSIL that we can do to have complete coverage in each WOD and competition, but there are many more options that will provide extra value to our interior crossfitter 😉  

How to choose our Size Grips for crossfit? 

 If you visit the section Grips/Grips From the PICSIL online store, we explain in detail in each Grip How to choose the proper Grip size for you. However, we are going to remind you of the keys to measure your hand: 

1.- Take a rule or a sewing meter 

2.- Measure the palm of your hand from the base of the wrist to the beginning of your fingers 

3.- Remember to leave some millimeters of margin so that the Grip Do not be too small and that prevents you from opening your hand correctly. 

4.- According to the measure, choose your size Grips PICSIL: G (-10.5cm) or G+ (+ 10.5cm) 



If you have any questions about what your second of Grips Perfect, see us through: And we will advise you in your choice.  

If you prefer to take a look at the comparison between all our Grips and make the decision yourself, we leave you our comparison of Grips In a visual way, which surely serves you a great help: Comparative Grips PICSIL


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