What are they and how to do muscle ups in Cross Training

What are the UPS muscle?

If you have ever seen people doing a routine in an outdoor bar, surely among many other exercises were doing Muscle Ups.

This exercise consists of starting hanging from the bar or rings until it ends over them with extended arms. Includes one dominated at the beginning to overcome the bar and then a background to end extended arms above the bar or rings.

The UPS muscle involve a lot of muscle groups in their execution, hence it is a very complete exercise.

It's a Advanced movement In which apart from strength for different impulses, a good technique will also be necessary, so it is not recommended for beginners. Check with your coach in the box and surely help you get your first UP muscle without risk of injury.

How to make muscle ups in step step by step

Let's see what are the steps to make strict ups in bar. First it is important to know what steps the exercise is divided:

  • Pull Up (dominated): You have to perform a dominate to place the body behind the bar to prepare the next step.
  • Transition: It consists of placing the body on the bar.
  • Dips (funds): Extension of the arms to raise the body and align it.

Steps to follow:

  1. Cuadrate from the bar with your hands keeping a distance from each other equal to that of your shoulders. The arms must be extended.
  2. Lean back while trying to wear the bar as close as possible to the chest (Pull-up).
  3. Lean forward and turn the elbows back when the bar comes in contact with the body (transition).
  4. Completely extend your arms in the support position (Dip).

Types of existing muscle ups in crossfit

As we saw for example with the HSPU, this time there are also different variations or ways to execute the UPS muscle.

Can be done in bar or rings And, although they are less frequent, In parallel. Likewise, we can find strict UPS and kipping. Likewise, it can be executed weighed.

Muscle UPS strict

It is the most common execution we can find in crossfit. It is usually executed more slowly than other varieties and the entire higher train was worked.


Muscle Up with Kipping

With an execution and faster transition, in this version we will help ourselves from the balance to take a greater impulse. Thus, we can apply more strength when we want to raise our chest over the bar.

Ring Muscle Ups Strict

Similar to the strict bar, The only thing that changes is the grip and the movement of the dolls necessary to make the transition in full.


Ring Muscle Ups with with Kipping

Like the previous one but with Kipping, that is, that little balance that will help you make the transition with less effort.


As you could see, the difficulty is greater with rings, since we will not have our hands on a fully fixed surface, but we will combine Muscle UP himself with the movement between the rings.

What muscles are worked with the UPS muscle?

The question should be what muscles are not worked ... as you can see, it is a very complete exercise that works the following muscle groups:

  • Back.
  • Shoulders.
  • Pectoral.
  • Biceps.
  • Triceps.
  • Forearm.

In addition, it helps Improve balance and coordination.

Other exercises that will help you get your first muscle up

By involving so many muscles, Muscle Ups will require a good physical form. It is always preferable to dominate other less complex exercises to try a muscle up and see that, at the moment of truth, we were stuck because we lack strength in some specific muscle.

To counteract this, we will see some exercises that will allow you to develop strength and work some technique:

Domidadas (Pull Ups)

The Classic dominated, without any special grip or variation. With extended arms and hands separated from each other at the distance from your shoulders, you must place your chin just above the bar. Here you will work arms and back.


Chest Dips

They are the lifetime, and you can do them both in parallels and rings. In a position with the arms extended on top of the rings or parallel, you must lower the body until the shoulders are below the elbows to rise again.

Knees to elbow (rise of knees)

Another exercise that will help you progress to get your first UP muscle. On this occasion, exercise may seem somewhat more complicated. In the same initial position of making a dominate, you will have to flex your hip, fold the knees and raise them until they touch the elbows.

Muscle UPS can be a challenge, but with adequate preparation, you will be every day closer to your first full muscle up or of improve your maximum repetition.

Sooner or later you will end up finding it in any WOD, so you better be prepared and know how to perform this exercise. To improve your grip to the bar and not to leave your hands training, you should take a look at 👉 ours Grips, even if they are not going to finish the muscle up on you, at least they will help you get it.


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