Types of proteins, are they all the same?

The protein, in addition to being one of the most consumed supplements among athletes, it is one of the most common supplements between people who want to increase their strength and muscle mass. There are different Types of protein according to their raw material, since they can be Animal origin (milk, meat, egg) or plant origin (Soy, beans, wheat, hemp). The Shakes "Whey Protein'' They are the most consumed, whose protein source comes from a milk fraction. We can find them in three types, depending on the digestibility of proteins: concentrated, isolated and hydrolyzed (orderly one at a higher speed of amino acid absorption). In this post, we talk more extensively about protein milkshakes, don't wait to take a look: Protein smoothies are they really necessary?

Types of protein according to its origin

Protein has a very important role for health, both in old age to preserve muscle mass and, thus, benefit the health of the elderly, better metabolic and cardiovascular health, and in all stages of life. Within the protein group we can find proteins of animal and/or vegetable origin, and All of them favor protein synthesis, but we have to discover which favors us to a greater extent. To choose the type of protein that we are going to take, we must take into account the biological value of these, which explains the efficiency with which the protein consumed leads to protein synthesis in the tissues once they are absorbed, and the digestibility of these, these, which gives us the essential amino acid content.

Biological value and digestibility

Biological value and digestibility are important to know the bioavailability and quality of proteins. Dairy protein sources are the most used such as milk serum, cow's milk or casein. Bovine milk has a biological value of 91 and a digestibility of 1, being the maximum value 100 and digestibility 1, that is, it is easily absorbed in the body. The casein has a biological value of 77 and a digestibility of 1, and the milk serum has a biological value of 104 and a digestibility of one, is the one that has the greatest biological value and, in addition, contains all the essential amino acids and has a Excellent bioavailability in the body. Today it is known that High protein consumption has many benefits Speaking of muscle hypertrophy, and in many cases in health.

Examples about protein consumption

Here are some examples about protein consumption:
  • General population between 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
  • The elders between 1.4-1.75 grams per kilo of body weight.
  • Force/hypertrophy athletes In caloric surplus between 2 -2.3 grams of protein per kilo of body weight.
  • Force athletes in caloric deficit between 2.2 and 2.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight.
  • Resistance athletes between a 2 or 2.5 grams of protein per kilo of body weight.
These amounts are not exact at all, that is, we should adapt to the context of each person, but they are safe amounts.


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