In PICSIL we are delighted to host in our family of athletes to Björgvin Karl Gudmundsson, better known as BKG. He Crossfiter Icelandic He already has an interesting sports career behind him, despite his youth. Do you want to know it better?
Who is BKG, Björgvin Karl Gudmundsson?
I am 26 years old and I am from a small town to the southwest of Iceland called Stokkseyri. I've always been very active. I practiced different sports in the past, I played football for 14 years and trained gymnastics for 9 years, while competing in both. Few people know that I was skater for 6 years and I won 2 competitions. I had a promising future but other sports crossed my way and left the skate when I was about 14 or 15 years old.
What is a day of training in your life?
Fairly simple. As, I train, I run about 2 hours of medium classes and train again.
How did you start in CrossFit? What does it do tan special?
My brother started me in the CrossFit In 2012 and since my first Wod, which were the seven minutes of Burpees of the Open 2012, there was no turning back. I would say that it is the feeling of giving everything you have, what does it tan Special for me.
What is your preferred benchmark or Wod? And the one you hate most?
My favorite has always been Amanda: 9-7-5 of Squat Snatch and Muscle-Ups. And I don't dislike any wod although I am not very fan of the pistols.
26 years, 5 CrossFit Games, third in 2015 and fifth in 2017 and 2018. What is the key to that performance?
It's about giving the best every day and enjoying what you do. Always be focused on your goal and leave nothing along the way.
This year, Greg Glassman announced great changes in the season of the CrossFit Games: Regionals outside and official events appear as a new way to go to Madison. What do you think of these changes? What official events will you participate?
I have not really decided what official events I will participate but I will be in Dubai and, of course, I will do the Open. About the changes, I think it is something exciting and that we simply have to wait and see how everything works, but surely it is exciting.

You are Icelandic and that in the world CrossFit It is synonym for excellence. What is the secret of Icelandic athletes to be tan good?
It's hard to say. I think the Icelanders are very competitive and we have always been. We have very well equipped gyms and good coaches; But the most important thing is that we are very strong mentally. A strong mind takes you very far.
Do you give favorite?
Annie þórisdóttir
You are a new Picsil athlete. What do you like more about PICSIL? ;)
I can be a new PICSIL athlete but I have been using its products almost 3 years. Its products are resistant and pleasant to use, without a doubt the best Grips and combas that you can find. Picsil is also a great company with great people.
What is your goal for Games 2019?
My goal is always to do better than the previous year!
How do you prepare for the new season?
My training has not changed much but I always try to be concentrated inside and outside the gym with the aim of being better than yesterday. I am training hard and I usually feel very good for this season.