Nylon Kombat bandages

Vendas de nylon resistentes y flexibles, ideales para boxeo, MMA y Muay Thai, con ajuste seguro, alta durabilidad y máxima protección.


Size: 120


Color: Moonless

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Nylon Kombat's bandages are designed to offer you the best support and protection during your boxing, MMA, Muay Thai and other martial arts.
Manufactured with a combination of high quality polyamide and polyester, these bandages are slightly elastic, which makes them perfect for sports such as MMA and Muay Thai, where greater mobility in the wrists is required without compromising stability.
The high quality velcro system ensures extreme support, maintaining your firmly protected hands, without moving, during the most intense training. The strong adhesion of the velcro allows you a safe and personalized adjustment in each training session, giving yourself the trust you need to practice MMA or Muay Thai with total security.
Available in modern and sophisticated colors, these bandages not only offer exceptional performance, but also a stylized design that allows you to train with style and professionalism. Thanks to their elasticity and design, they adapt perfectly to mobility needs in sports where agility and support is required at the same time.
Composition: 38% Nylon - 62% PES. 

Outstanding characteristics:

Composition Premium: Manufactured in high quality polyamide and polyester, with light elasticity that improves mobility without sacrificing support.

High clamping velcro: High quality velcro system for firm and safe adjustment, guaranteeing stability throughout training.

Modern and sophisticated design: Striking and professionals to keep your style in the ring or during your training.

Protection and mobility: It ensures advanced protection of dolls and hands, ideal for sports such as MMA or Muay Thai that require greater flexibility.

High durability: Wear resistance, with a construction that supports intensive and prolonged training.

Lavado regular: Lávalas después de varios usos para evitar la acumulación de sudor y bacterias. Se recomienda lavado a mano con agua fría y un detergente suave.

Uso de bolsa de lavado: Si decides lavarlas en la lavadora, introdúcelas en una bolsa de lavado para evitar que se enreden o dañen el velcro. Usa un ciclo suave con agua fría.

Secado al aire: Déjalas secar al aire en un lugar ventilado y alejado de la luz directa del sol para evitar el desgaste del material y la pérdida de elasticidad. No uses secadora.

Cierre del velcro antes de lavar: Antes de lavarlas, asegúrate de cerrar el velcro para evitar que se adhiera a otras prendas y deteriore el tejido.

Evita productos agresivos: No uses lejía, suavizantes ni productos químicos agresivos, ya que pueden debilitar las fibras y reducir la durabilidad de las vendas.

Enrollado correcto después de cada uso: Después de entrenar, desenrolla y deja secar antes de guardarlas. Una vez secas, enróllalas correctamente para evitar que se deformen y estén listas para el siguiente uso.

Almacenamiento adecuado: Guárdalas en un lugar seco y ventilado, lejos de la humedad y malos olores. Evita dejarlas dentro del bolso deportivo por mucho tiempo después del entrenamiento.


Composición: 38% NYLON - 62% PES.


Shipping is free worldwide for orders over 60€, with a delivery time between 24-72h for Spain, and 3-5 days for all of Europe and International. Personalization will take between 2 and 10 business days. If your personalized product is included in an order with multiple items, we will ship all items in one shipment.

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