5 Full Body exercises that will help you recover the form after summer

Who doesn't like summer? That time of the year where we took the opportunity to do all those things that we have been planning*. That trip that makes you disconnect from the routine, the infinite afternoons of pool or beach, the beers on the terrace ... Many of us lower the frequency of our training to enjoy more of friends and family.  

But after its passage, it is time to recover the routine again and get in the form of again. In today's blog we are going to tell you 5 Full Body exercises to recover the physical form.  


Devil Press

The Devil Press is the perfect exercise to get fit. We only need dumbbells to do it. By including this exercise in your routines you can significantly shorten your training, since in a single exercise you will work arms, shoulders, core, back, chest and legs.  

Perfect for those days in which you barely have time to train. This exercise consists mainly of two known movements in the world of Cross Training: the dreaded burpees and the ground to overhead. It is important that when performing the burpee (you can also make a flexion of arms) touched your chest with the ground to perform the exercise correctly. 

Find more information in As make a Devil Press


Wall Ball

A Wall Ball Shot, or better known in Spanish as a medicinal ball launch, consists of a combination of movements: throwing a medicinal ball up and performing a squat or “squat”. 

For its execution, you will need to be close to a wall with a minimum height of about 3 meters and a medicinal ball that, depending on your level, will have one weight or another. It is a very complete exercise since it combines squats or "squats" with the movement of shoulders and also raises the heart rate. 

Find more information in Wall Ball Shot: throw the ball to win muscles.


Jump to the Rope

Jump to the Rope It is another of the most complete exercises that you can implement in your routine. Not only is it a great cardiovascular exercise, but it also helps strengthen arms, legs and abdomen.  

You can add difficulty and work by making double jumps, or even adding injuries to the Rope. In this way the mangoes will be heavier and will help you gain strength in the forearms. This will be very useful to have a good grip.  

There are plenty of explanations for the execution of a jump to the Rope, But if you want to know all the benefits that this exercise has, you can visit our specific blog of jump to the Rope.



The cluster is another of the most complete exercises that you can include in your routine. It consists of two basic movements of Cross Training, a loaded followed by a Thruster. 

First, to make a cluster you have to make a squat clean, that is, a loaded with squat. It is important to highlight that you have to receive the bar in squat. That is the main rule of this movement.  

Secondly and just after the loaded with squat that we had just done, a Thruster would have to be done. That is, from that squat position in which we have received the bar, we will have to climb with all the power we have to carry the bar, vertically, above our head. 

Find more information in Cluster, Cross Training exercise.


Machine rowing

Without a doubt this is another of the exercises that work more muscles. To perform this exercise you will need the rowing machine of your box or gym, and you will work both lower train and upper train.  

If they have a good term and make the movement you will properly be working the muscles of the legs, the buttocks, arms, shoulders and back. A super complete exercise that will also make you burn many calories! 

AND t"What full exercises Body do you recommend? We read you in comments! 


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