8 exercises you can do with the Rope

Now that the good weather approaches, maybe you are considering putting yourself in shape, trying to start the bikini operation that so many people leave. There are no tricks or shortcuts, but one of the best exercises you can do to burn fat and work cardio is jump to the Rope. Before looking for other alternatives, he thinks that jumping to the Rope More calories are burned than running, and also, you can train anywhere. If you can't go to the gym or your box of CrossFit, You only need some space and one Rope.

Why you should start exercising with the Rope

Before you start talking about exercises you can do with the Rope Let's briefly see a series of Advantages that will encourage you to continue reading.

  • You just need one Rope And they are cheap (wipe out our eye Rope of ABS).
  • It is an exercise that you can Adapt to your physical condition, from simple jumps through Double Unders or Triple Unders or any more complex exercise.
  • You work The whole body, resistance, coordination and balance.
  • It is one of the better exercises to burn fat. You will burn more fat by jumping 10 minutes to the Rope than running, swimming or any other activity.
  • It is an ideal exercise to train at home when you don't feel like it, or you can't leave.
  • Help a reduce stress. We recommend you jump to Rope Between 15-20 minutes for you to check for yourself.
exercises to do with the Rope
The good thing about exercising with the Rope You can do them in the box, in the gym or in the living room of your house.

Jump to the Rope: Beginners Exercises

Let's start with the simpler exercises, ideal if you just started jumping to Rope And you want to continue improving little by little. Once domines, you can try more advanced ones. Try to combine them as you like and Design your own routine.

1- Simple jump.

The jump to the Rope of a lifetime. The one you did when you were little in physical education classes. You will simply have to give small jumps without raising you too much trying to have the feet together and keep the back and straight shoulders. You can try to jump without rope to check that the posture is correct. Remember move the dolls Instead of making strength with the arms. As the first contact, you can make 4 series of 30 jumps at a normal speed, with a short break between each of them.

2- Jump with standing lifting.

Very similar to the previous exercise, only on this occasion, we will alternate one or the other foot while we continue jumping. In this exercise you can Adjust the speed of the jumps and the frequency with which you raise each foot and increase once the trick is taken. It is perfect for combine it with the basic jump and to alternate between one or the other. You can replace some of the basic jump repetitions.

3- Jump with a single leg.

To perform this exercise you just have to fold slightly back the leg that you are not going to use, checking that it does not bother you when jumping and making normal jumps. It is a vital exercise for work the legs more intensely, since all the effort is concentrated in a single leg. You can alternate every leg and make a break between the different series. You can also combine them with any of the previous exercises and Create your own beginner routine.


It consists of making normal jumps with legs of legs that are often known as scissors. Although it is simple, requires some coordination Until you are able to adjust the jumps and leg openings. The best way to learn to do it is start without using Rope, and once you take the trick to go little by little.

Exercises with the Rope: Advanced level

Here are some known exercises in the world of CrossFit that they require good physical form and domain of technique. In some of them, it will be advisable to use a Rope fast as Rope Bee Rope or weighed like the Anna Rope

5- Double Unders

One of the exercises with the Rope more often You will find in any wod. As its name indicates, it consists of making a double leap, that is, passing the Rope twice below the feet before they fall again. Before trying this exercise, make sure you are able to make simple jumps without problem. The most important difference is that you must jump higher and move the dolls more quickly To get two laps.

➡️ Check this post for Learn to make double jumps as a professional
In this video we also explain to you How to improve in your Double Unders

6- Boxer Step

Although it may seem a simple exercise, it requires a lot of coordination to execute it correctly. The exercise consists of jumping while the body weight alternates on each foot, imitating the movement of boxers. First, try to take pace with your feet to later enter the rope gradually. It's a Exercise with less impact that others, since the jump is smaller and is very good to combine it in your routine with other more demanding exercises

7- High Knees to Jumping Jack

It is a slightly sophisticated version than Jumping Jack, since this time we will have to Raise a leg bending the knee While we make the jump, so the exercise is more complex and requires greater coordination. It is a great option for Burn calories and improve coordination, so it should not be missing in your exercise routine with the Rope.

8- Triple Unders

If the Double Unders have already seemed difficult, there is something even worse and Much more complicated to dominate. Triple Unders are exactly the same as the Double Unders, but adding one more lap.

What you should keep in mind when doing these exercises

Jump to the Rope It is a great exercise that offers very good results. You always have to adapt the level little by little and Start with the simplest exercises. Little by little you will improve until you are able to do more complex exercises and endure more time jumping. Always try to maintain a correct posture to avoid injuries. Surely you will not be able to avoid any whip, but it is something that you will motivate to improve (Even if only to avoid them). In PICSIL we have different combas To cover all your needs, either because you practice CrossFit, Functional training, or you simply feel like trying. We have prepared this Comparative of combas, to help you find the one that best suits you. You should also consult What characteristics should have a good Rope Another option to get the most out of training with Rope, is combine them with other exercises, alternating series between them. For example, one routine with Rope ideal It would be the following, adapting repetitions to your physical condition and making breaks.
  • 30 simple jumps.
  • 10 flexions.
  • 30 jumps to one leg.
  • 10 squats.
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 burpees
You can try to go complicating more and more exercises until reaching a routine that includes different jumps, squats and other exercises such as strides or various types of abdominals, which allow a rapid transition between the Rope and the rest of the exercises. If after reading this post you have convinced to start exercising with the Rope 👉 Check our combas and start jumping


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