8 wods of Cross Training to do at home

At some point, because of the circumstances, we have raised the opportunity to have to Train at home. The problem arises when all the wods we see are with material that we do not within reach.

We could use water carafes, broom sticks, and make us bands with elastic t -shirts but why are we going to complicate in that way if there are training that does not require material?

In this blog we are going to show you 8 wods of CrossFit to do at home. Let's go to it!

Why train at home?

For a long time to train at home it is a routine that has more and more followers. And, with the situation we live, it is difficult to adhere to a routine or avoid agglomerations in the gym. But that doesn't have to be an excuse.

Training at home has many advantages:

  • When working with your body weight, it helps Download the work of your training.
  • Moreover comfortable, since you save time on displacement.
  • You have more Freedom of schedule.
  • Can Adapt training To your needs and tastes.

It depends on your level, you can perform more or less intense exercises. Personally, when I train at home, I like to make wods shorter but more attempts. This way I effectively train No need for me to take a long time.

There are several effective training at home without material with which you should familiarize yourself. These are the terms that we are going to use:

AMRAP: As many rounds as possible. In a certain time you have to do as many rounds as possible

Tabata: andNtrenation of 8 series of 20 seconds each, with the largest number of repetitions, with 10 seconds of rest between them.

EMOM: Every Minute on Minute. The exercise begins in the minute and performs the recommended repetitions. The time on that minute once you have finished repetitions is rest. Start again in the next minute.

For Time: There is a fixed amount of repetitions to be fulfilled and that you will make in the time that is necessary.

Below I show you some of my favorites categorized by level.

4 wods of CrossFit At home for beginners

Wods for newly initiated or for those looking for less demanding training.

WOD 1: Flexions, squats and abdominals.

This WOD consists of 6 series:

  • 10 flexions (you can do them with knees on the ground if you need it).
  • 15 abdominals in V.
  • 20 squats with jump.

It is a Very simple training where you will work both upper train, as lower train and core. It is a very complete WOD that will not take long.

Wod 2: Burpees flexions and strides.

16 minutes amrap:

  • 10 burpees.
  • 15 flexions.
  • 20 strides.

As we have mentioned earlier, AMRAP is a type of exercise that consists of making all the rounds that are possible in a given time. This wod, specifically, will make your legs and shoulders burn when you finish.

Wod 3: Flexions, burpees, sit-ups and squats.

This WOD is an EMOM where we will work 20 minutes. and we will perform 5 rounds of the 4 exercises mentioned. We will only rest the seconds that are free after performing the recommended repetitions.

20 minutes EMOM:

  • Minute 1: 15 flexions.
  • Minute 2: 10 Burpees.
  • Minute 3: 15 SIT-UPS.
  • Minute 4: 20 squatillas.

We will work lower train, upper, core And a lot of cardio. Will you be able to endure the 20 minutes?

WOD 4: Burpees and Flexions Festival

This wod barely needs space to make and only consists of two exercises. For Time:

  • 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpees.
  • 10-9-7-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Flexions.

We alternate 1-10, 2-9, 3-8, ... burpees or flexions until we reach 10 burpees and 1 flexion. There is no rest.

4 wods of CrossFit advanced you can do at home

If the previous ones have seemed affordable here we introduce more exercises that will test your physical form. Only suitable for those who are accustomed to demanding training.

Wod 5: Fat Amy

I think this is one of the most tired wods I have ever made, but also one of the most effective. Originally, Fat Amy is a training where Kettlebell is used, but we have modified and changed by flexions to make it A WOD WITHOUT MATERIAL.

  • 50 squatillas.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 40 SIT-UPS.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 30 strides.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 20 flexions.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 10 Bear Crawl.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 20 flexions.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 30 strides.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 40 SIT UPS.
  • 10 burpees.
  • 50 squatillas.

Wod 6: Senates and amrap flexions

A new Wod to enjoy squats and flexions to the fullest. AMRAP in 20 minutes:

  • 20 squats.
  • 10 flexions.
  • 30 squats.
  • 20 flexions.
  • 40 squats.
  • 30 flexions.
  • 50 squatillas.
  • 40 flexions.

You are adding 10 repetitions to each exercise until completing the 20 minutes. Good work of both upper train and lower train. After doing this training you will not miss the Thrusters.

Wod 7: Burpees and endless squats.

A simple but effective WOD. If after this Wod you don't want to throw up to the first breakfast, repeat it! For Time:

  • 50-40-30-20-10 Burpees.
  • 100-90-80-70-60 squatillas.

Wod 8: Murph Picsil

We have decided to call this Wod. Consists of 5 rounds:

  • 100 burpees.
  • 20 flexions.
  • 40 Pike push-ups.
  • 60 squats.
  • 100 burpees.

And with this jewel we say goodbye. If you are able to do any of the training that We have proposed to leave it in comments. And don't forget, "Fly in Every House"



1 thought on “8 wods of Cross Training to do at home

Rafael Espinoza

Muy, muy, buenasoo

October 17, 2022 at 10:54am

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