Definition diets: What should I take into account to lose fat?
What is a definition diet? It is a process of fat loss, which is not the same as a process of weight loss. When we start a fat loss diet, the maintenance or conservation of the greatest possible muscle mass is taken into account. However, in a weight loss diet, almost always, only the number on the scale is taken into account.
8 aspects to consider in a definition diet
In a definition diet you must take into account the following:
✅ Caloric deficit
You have to be in a real caloric deficit, that is, consume less calories you spend, being simplistic. There are many ways to get it, or starting to go down between 300-500 kcal to your maintenance kcal or moving more. To increase your Neat you can, for example, include a day to day, a dance class, swimming classes or skating. Going to buy clothes or food or doing household homework can also be worth. Whatever, as long as you move a little more, so you can eat the same, or even more, and generate that loss of fat. In this post "How to eliminate body fat through diet and sport”, We explain in detail what your Neat is and because you should take it into account to reduce your body fat.
✅ Macronutrients
There are macronutrients that require more energy by our body to be able to digest them and absorb them as is the case of proteins, unlike carbohydrates or fats. Protein consumption is necessary And, in addition, it will help you in this process. It is advisable to consume enough daily protein, between 2 and 2.4 g/kg of weight. I recommend that you look at this post about proteins and different types that exist.
✅ Assessment
Evaluate progress not only with the weight on the scale, but with comparative measures and photos every 15 days. It is a long and sustained process in time, do not obsess, the weight fluctuates throughout the day and of the week.
✅ Micronutrients
In a definition process when cutting calories, some vegetables or fruits are always removed. Make sure your micronutrients are enough, It is important that you eat great rations of vegetables at this stage, since they satisfy a lot and are necessary for our metabolism to work properly.
✅ Rest
The dream is important at this stage, seeks Sleep between 7 and 8 hours. These sleeping hours must be of quality, you must feel rested.
✅ Reduces stress
Stress sometimes plays bad passes with this issue, we all have or have suffered stress for work, studies or personal life, among other reasons. Try to manage it as well as possible, for example, You can help you with breath or other relaxation techniques.
✅ Be patient with fat loss
More is not better. Better is better. This means not by removing more calories and doing more cardiovascular exercise, crazy, you will lose before and more. In these cases, when we take away from our body too much energy and nutrients and, in addition, we demand a lot of work, there are processes that stop to prioritize other survival processes, and surely your fat loss slows down.
✅ Put on a goal
Adhesion over time. Think in the long term and put realistic objectives. Do not restrict too much and enjoy going out with yours from time to time. Content written by Fabio de laurentiis With the collaboration of Yaiza Perdiguero