V-UPS, or V abdominals, are a very common type of exercise in training of different disciplines. That is why they have become very popular in the wods the Cross Training and They require a certain physical level.For those who are beginners and still do not have the minimum level that this exercise demands, We recommend that you look at this list of ABDOMINAL EXERCISES IN CROSS TRAINING To be training. If you are prepared, you have some force in the abdomen and want to face the V-UPS challenge, then we explain what V-UPs are, how they are made and what muscles are involved in this exercise.
What are the V-UPS?
V-UPS, or V abdominals as we have pointed out at the beginning, consists of an exercise that allows us to work the upper and lower abdominals, as well as reinforce the muscles found in the lower back.To perform the V-UPS we must put our body in the form of V, with the back supported on the ground, therefore, it is fundamental have enough strength and the necessary coordination To do this abdominal exercise, since otherwise you can suffer discomfort in the back. Before starting with the exercise, We recommend that you do some stretching For the legs, arms and lower back and, in addition, heat with some previous exercises. In any case, in addition to explaining how to do the V-UPs below, you can always consult the coach of your box any questions that may arise to advise and guide you at all times.
How to do the abdominals in V
If you want to achieve results in a short time, Follow the steps we explain below: Steps to follow:
To start, lie on the floor (or in an exercise mat) on the back, stretch your arms behind the head and legs. Keep your feet together. The palms of the hands and fingers of the feet should point up.
Next, we inspire, and when exhaling, we flex the trunk and slowly climb our legs and arms to form a V with our body.
We keep our body some 15-20 seconds in this position, about 35-45 degrees With respect to the ground. The back should not touch the ground.
Finally, we slowly return to the initial position and repeat.
Can Help extending your arms forward, This will allow you to keep the position correctly. Remember not to flex your knees and try to keep both the back and neck straight to avoid injuries.In the following video you can see How to do V-UPS in detail:
What muscles are working when executing this exercise?
Although it is an exercise that works mainly the abdomen, other muscle groups are also benefited, these are the following:
Oblique abdominals
Straight of the abdomen
Femoral straight
Long adductor
Short adductor
Being an intense exercise, If you include the V-UPs in your routine, you will get a core Strong in a short time. Do not forget to take a walk for our Blog where you will find, in addition to other exercises, advice on nutrition and detailed information on the world championships of Cross Training.