How to eliminate body fat through diet and sport

Body fat is important in our body, since its function is to protect the organs, cover the joints, control the temperature, store vitamins, regulate the hormonal environment and provide energy to our body. There are several ways to know if our fatty percentage is healthy or not, but what is clear is that the BMI It is not one of them since does not distinguish between body fat and fat free mass. You can know if you have an excess body fat through bioimpedance measures or scales.

➡️ Basal metabolism and basal metabolic rate

Basal metabolism is energy your body needs to survive performing the basic functions, for example breathing, filtering blood, synthesizing hormones ... etc. Even if you are at rest your body continues to work, and this metabolism is different in each person depending on sex, age and weight. Know ours TMB (basal metabolic rate) It serves as a starting point when starting a weight loss process, the caloric consumption of our body includes: the Basal Metabolic Rate, he physical exercise that we do and the Thermal effect of food.

➡️ Tips for eliminating body fat with diet and sport

In the event that you find a high fatty percentage and want to decrease it, the ideal would be to change your eating habits and start doing physical exercise to generate a caloric deficit. To lose body fat, you need Know your tmb And the calories you eat throughout the day, and from there, cut calories. In the case of food, opt for healthy foods that you like and see gradually eliminating frying flours, sugars, bowling, alcohol and soft drinks, and includes vegetables and fruits, cereals and proteins in your vegetable dishes. For example: oats, rice, potato, salmon, chicken, egg, broccoli, zucchini or avocado When losing body fat is important to ensure of ingesting a high daily protein to protect muscle mass, and a good contribution from healthy fats. Carbohydrates play a fundamental role in our body, and more if you are an active person who exercises.

Neat, your ally to reduce body fat

We can also lose fat by increasing our neat (non-exercise activity thermogenesis, that is, the energy expenditure we use at any time when we are not doing physical exercise), it is of no use that you give you an hour a day, but the rest of the hours you sit on watching television Some Simple ways to increase your neat They are: going for a walk, parking the car further, going to work, make pending errands, clean the patio, remove the dog, cook or wash the car etc ... Any activity that implies a minimum of movement It will contribute to the decrease in body fat. It is not necessary that you run 5 km every day if you do not like it, running is something that many people come without having the right technique, and generates a lot of impact on our joints. In the case of train in a gym or box, prioritize Heavy force exercises and exercises with your own body weight. Some examples of this are bench press, squatillas, dead weight, Thrusters, dominated or flexions. The break is essential in this process of fat loss, for which he tries to leave a day during the resting week between training, he sleeps around 6-8 hours a day, take care of your sleep hygiene and prioritize quality breaks. Content written by Fabio de laurentiis With the collaboration of Yaiza Perdiguero


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