Tábata method: fashion training to burn fat

What do we bet that you have read the word tábata more than once in recent days? It is undeniable that this method is on everyone's lips and that you have your networks flooded with all kinds of information and videos with tábata routines. So we bring you the final article so that, finally, you can know what the tábata is and if you should join fashion or not.

What is that of a tábata method?

This type of training, as usual, owes the name to its creator, Dr. Izumi Tábata, physiologist of the National Fitness and Sports Institute of the city of Kanoya in Japan. In 1996 he designed this method and obtained interesting results: the people who made it for 6 weeks (5 days a week) increased their anaerobic capacity by 28% and aerobics by 14%. Not bad at all. If we wanted to summarize the tábata method in 4 words it would be like this: short and intense intervals. It is about performing 8 series of 20 seconds each, resting only 10 seconds among them. In total, 4 minutes of maximum intensity. Now you will be thinking that this is easy, but for something they are just 4 minutes, friend. Keep reading and you will understand.

What differentiates the tábata method of others

Many compare this type of training with others, also high intensity such as HIIT but, although they share some of the benefits, there are also differences. The main particularity of the tábata is that it is based on the benefits of the use of high intensity intervals when training, being the shortest breaks than the series, unlike other training in which the breaks and the series last same. This manages to accelerate your heart rate and your aerobic capacity much more. For example: aerobic capacity in a HIIT usually is around 75 - 80%, while the target objective is that it reaches 100%. Hence its high intensity and short extension. Another peculiarity of the tátaba is its duration, always 4 minutes, while the time of other methods is adjustable, and usually surrounds between 10 and 45 minutes. This method is also highly dynamic, since you can include in your routine any exercise or discipline that you can think of. For tastes and objectives, colors! Why not a tábata of swimming or running? You would only have to do 20 seconds of maximum speed and 10 of moderate speed.

What will you get with this type of training?

A lot of benefits have been demonstrated thanks to this method that will undoubtedly improve your physique and your health. We have already commented on how it increases anaerobic capacity and aerobic capacity. Thanks to this you will burn fat, you will accelerate metabolism (which will take you to burn more calories, even at rest), you will gain strength and muscle resistance. In addition, it will help you reduce stress, as it reduces cortisol hormone, while you increase more beneficial such as testosterone, growth hormone and anti -inflammatory, which will help you with muscle tone. Many people (not only diabetics) suffer from insulin resistance. If you are among them, you will be glad to know that this type of training helps to reduce this problem. All this makes tábata one of the most effective methods to achieve results. Other aspects that make tábata an attractive type of training is that you can adapt it to you and do it tan demanding as you want (or as you are capable). The method indicates the duration and way of carrying out the intervals, but the exercises that you include are your choice. You will have infinite combinations: squats, Burpees, strips, jumping jacks, jump to the Rope, weights, abdominals ... you can do it with or without material, depending on what exercises you include, which makes it ideal to train at home. It is really short training. If you don't have much time, three or four tábatas and you have it (really it is very likely that you can't do more). There are no excuses!

Is the tábata method for everyone?

We are talking about a type of training with high intensity intervals that, although it is recommended in case you want to burn fat and increase your caloric expenditure, in some cases it may be contraindicated. In order for this method to provide us with the expected benefits, we must work at maximum intensity, so, if you cannot achieve this, you may have to think about other types of training. Other methods will also be better for you if you have joint problems. It is important that you make sure you train so that you do not have much risk of injuries. In case you suffer from obesity, respiratory problems, heart disease or be a very sedentary person, this method can be useful, but it is best that you do it always adjusted to your profile and accompanied by a professional. The ideal would be to perform an effort test before starting with the tábata method. Tell her with your coach. Important! Combine this method with other more moderate strength and cardio training if you want to see results without overloading your body. Even in him Crossfit, this method is used together with other WODS but never separately.

Tips for perfecting technique

If you get to it, you get well. We propose some tricks to make your training efficient and safe:

  • If you decide to include exercises with weight, reduce your load to 50 or 75% of the usual. This will avoid a greater risk of injuries and endure training without reducing your performance and speed.
  • Prepare the routine so that you do not have to release the load between series. This will make sure not to rest more than 10 seconds.
  • Leave the tábata for the end of the training or you will not be able to perform in the rest of your routine.
  • It controls that you do not go down from 75% of your cardiac capacity, only then will you know that your training is being of maximum intensity. Get a wrist button and find out what your cardiac capacity is.
  • Make sure you dominate the exercises separately, so you will reduce the risk of injuring yourself. The intensity will neglect the technique at some point.
  • Leave everything prepared. You only have 10 seconds between series, not one more.
  • Record your advances. Write down the repetitions to check if you are surpassing.
  • Use an app or playlist of tábata, so as not to be aware of the clock and not spend time. These tools will indicate the rest and exercise periods. In the case of the playlist (there are many on streaming platforms), it will do so to the rhythm of music, which is supermotivating.
  • Heat and come back to calm. You have heard it even in the soup and for something it will be. Your body needs to prepare for the effort and to return to the rest state, or you will not achieve all the results you expect, you will run risk of injuring yourself and you will have some copon's hostels.
  • Better accompanied. You will have the motivation of the pique and you will control the times.

Do not use this daily method. Maximum 2 or 3 a week to give your nervous system and your body the recovery they need.

The tábata and food method

Training and food go hand in hand. We give you some tips so that, together, both are effective: eat well before your training and never do it on an empty stomach (especially if you have a hypocaloric diet). In high intensity training your body will need energy. A piece of fruit or nuts for a while before is ideal. Before, during and after training hydraction abundantly. At the end, feed your muscles. They will need a dose of energy based on carbohydrates and carbohydrates (yes, hydrates), as soon as possible. You will avoid being sleepy all day and tired.

Examples of tábata routines

We propose two tábata routines, one for beginners and another somewhat more advanced, for which you will not need material, only your own weight.

Tábata Routine Without Beginners

  • Iron - 20 seconds -Denso - 10 seconds
  • Sprint (race in the site) - 20 seconds -disagree - 10 seconds
  • Squats - 20 seconds- Rest - 10 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks (jumps opening and closing legs and arms) - 20 seconds - Rest - 10 seconds

Repeat the 4 exercises again. 20 seconds each and 10 rest between them. You have already finished your tábata routine!

Tábata routine without material intermediate level

  • Flexions - 20 seconds - Rest - 10 seconds
  • Burpees - 20 seconds - Rest - 10 seconds
  • Skipping
  • Flexions - 20 seconds - Rest -10 seconds

Repeat the 4 exercises again. 20 seconds each and 10 rest between them. You can breathe now!


These are two examples of a lot Rest for 8 series. You decide the objective and limit.


The tábata method is a training based on high intensity intervals that, done correctly, reports many benefits and great results in a short time (although each person is a world, you do not discourage yourself if it takes longer than you expected). You will see your cardiovascular resistance and your strength and burn fat. But lead your body to its maximum intensity, so you need preparation and some care. Remember that preparing and recovering also part of your training and only like that, along with a good diet, you will get your goals. Tell us, have you tried it?


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