Toes to bar: manages to perform this exercise in 3 steps

The Toes to bar, whose translation of English means "feet to the bar" are one of the exercises that most deceive within the discipline of functional training, because at first glance it seems very simple, however, this movement requires great strength.

Surely you have seen your classmates practice this exercise in the box and you will have thought where have I seen this before? Well, you are indeed right, since this exercise is included in the most typical gymnastic movements.

Next we explain what it is, how to execute it and what muscles are working:

What are the toes to bar?

Toes to bar begin with the athlete hanging in a bar in a bar and, as indicated by the name of this movement, the feet should be raised to the bar keeping their arms extended at all times.

One of the fundamental keys to carrying out this exercise is The balancing (or kipping, composed of the positions of Hollow and Arched Hollow), since thanks to the inertia of the movement more repetitions are made and, therefore, greater work with less energy expenditure.

To do this, when you are hung on the bar you have to throw your heels back (Arched Hollow) and then, drive yourself with your hip until your feet touch the bar. You don't have to worry, in the next section we explain how to do it step by step and with the best tips.

In addition to balancing, "I will grab" is very important to make the most of the performance of this exercise. For this same reason, dolls must be properly protect With a couple of wristbands And, above all, use some Grips To maximize the grip with the bar in addition to protecting your hands. Giving them a layer of magnesium You will still get a greater grip.

And remember, given any questions that may arise, always consult your coach, who will guide you at all times to execute the exercise in the best way.

How to do toes to bar

How to do toes to bar? There are two variants: Toes to bar with kipping and Toes to bar strict. Next, we explain the first one, as it is the most used version among the Cross Training athletes. The use of kipping allows you to touch the bar with your feet more easily but, yes, you need to control the balance and, in addition, other different muscles such as forearms will be activated. You will need a dominated bar for execution.

Steps to follow:

  1. As we have already advanced, the initial position is to hang in suspension in the bar with the arms at the same height as the width of the shoulders. The hands should grab the bar, so that the thumb wraps the perimeter of the bar and touch the index finger.

  2. We start with balance, also known as Kipping. Put both legs back and then take impulse with the hip to take the feet to the bar. It is very important to practice with your coach the movements of the "Hollow" and "Arched Hollow", which make up the balancing. The deeper you get the hollow, the greater the ease you will have to touch the bar with your feet.

  3. Touch the bar with your feet and return to the initial position. Repeat the movement.

If you don't endure much in the bar at the beginning you don't have to worry, over time you will improve the technique and increase the number of repetitions. Try to fix the view to the front and not have very rigid legs.

In the following video, you can See in detail how to do toes to bar:



The Toes to bar strict They are the most difficult variant, and require greater force in the core. To perform them, both legs must be climbed at the same time until they touch the bar, keep their arms extended and concentrate all your strength in the central area of ​​the body.

Here you have a video to see How are the toes to bar step by step:

 What muscles are working when doing toes to bar?

Although the vast majority of this work is concentrated in the core (or middle area of ​​the body), the truth is that there are several muscle groups involved:

  • Oblique abdominals

  • Straight abdomen

  • Lumbar

  • Brachial biceps

  • Serratos

  • Hip flexors

This may be one of the most difficult exercises in functional training routines. The most advisable is that Find the core To gain strength. In our Blog You can find a wide variety of exercises such as, for example, "Sumo or Sumo Deadlift. Benefits, execution and technique" either "Clean and Jerk. Guide to get your first Clean and Jerk”, Among others.


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