Walking lunges or stride: strengthens your legs

We are not going to fool ourselves, train our legs, sometimes, it becomes a huge nightmare and instinctively try to avoid it. However, for training to be the most complete, it is essential to include exercises such as Walking Lunges To reinforce this area. Although you can choose between several exercise routines to train your legs, one of the best movements, either because of its ease or for the results it offers, are the Walking Lunges. Pay close attention, since below We explain what they are and how to do them.

What are the Walking Lunges?

The walking lunges, also known as lunge walk, are a variation of static strides, which are made in the same place where we are. However, when we execute the Walking Lunges we move forward, "pushing" with the opposite leg. To be effective, several repetitions must be made, since this walk is the one that It provides numerous benefits to the lower train muscles. Its execution does not require a great level of physical condition, you simply have to, with your back erect, take a step forward with one of the legs while the other leg is going to flex until the knee touch the ground. Although it is a very easy movement to execute, always remember to train with extra protection for greater security, especially for the knees, since any injury, however minimal, can cause us many discomforts and even truncated our training. Protect your joints with the appropriate material to train as, For example, sports kneelets either wristbands. Besides, You can always check any questions to your coach, who can advise and give you the appropriate indications to execute the walking lunges.

How to do walking lunges

This exercise, in addition to helping you strengthen the legs or buttocks, among other muscles, It allows you to improve balance and mobility Next, we explain in detail how to do the walking lunges step by step: Steps to follow:
  1. First, stand up with the feet separated at shoulder height; The arms have to be flexed and placed on the hip (arms in jugs) and the back and trunk straight.
  2. Then give a Step forward With the leg you choose supporting all your weight on the heel.
  3. When you are taking the step, you have to go folding the knee of the leg in such a way that it is parallel to the ground. Meanwhile, the knee of the opposite leg will be flexing to the ground, the foot of this leg must be supported on the tip.
  4. Pause for a few seconds, Go back to the initial position and start again With the opposite leg.
Ideally, you do 2 or 3 series of this exercise of 10 to 15 repetitions for each leg, it is important that you alternate to avoid exercising more a leg than the other. Remember Always keep a straight position, Do not tilt the torso forward and do not fold an upper angle of about 90º. In the following video, you can see in detail the technique to run the Walking Lunges:

What muscles are working when you run this exercise?

As we have commented throughout this article, The muscles that are benefited from the lower train, specifically the following:
  • Buttocks
  • Quadriceps
  • Ischiotibial
  • Hips
  • Abdominals
  • Calves

Walking Lunges: Variations

If you want to move on to the next level, there are different variations of this exercise That you can practice and, so, you never get bored to practice it.

Walking Lunges with Salto: Jumping Lunges

A very interesting alternative version of the Walking Lunges consists of Add a jump during exercise. To do this, place yourself in the initial position and give a stride with one of the two legs, when you have given the stride, it jumps and lands with the foot of the opposite leg forward. In this video you can see in detail how to execute the walking lunges with jump:

Walking Lunges with dumbbells

Let's add a little more difficulty to this exercise including weight as, for example, with the help of Russian weights or dumbbells. The exercise is executed in the same way as when we perform the normal walking lungs, however, By adding load we will be increasing the level of demand.


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