Wall Ball Shots: throws the ball to win muscles

At first glance, Wall Ball Shots They seem very easy to make, however, this exercise tan Known among the Cross Training athletes, for the love-hate relationship he professes, it is very demanding, so it is essential to dominate the technique to avoid making non-valid repetitions (and tired much more). In addition to helping you develop muscle strength and power, it also allows you to work cardiovascular resistance. So You will burn many calories. Continue reading to find out what are the Wall Ball Shots, how they run and what muscles work with this movement.

What are the Wall Ball Shots?

A wall shoot, or better known in Spanish as MEDICINAL BALL LAUNCH, consists of a combination of movements: throw a medicinal ball up and perform a squat or “squat”. For its execution, you will need to be close to a wall with a Minimum height of about 3 meters And a medicinal ball that, depending on your level, will have one weight or another. It is a very complete exercise since it combines squats or "squats" with the movement of shoulders and also raises the heart rate. A fundamental aspect when performing this exercise is properly protect your joints to avoid future injuries. Therefore, have a couple of wristbands to cushion the reception of the medicinal ball or some Knee It is perfect. If you have any questions, you can always consult your Coach, who will help you solve all your questions and guide you at all times to correctly make any movement.

How to do the wall ball shots

Next, we explain the steps to follow so you know How to do the wall ball shots in the right way: Steps to follow:
  1. In the first place, we must hold the medicinal ball with the two hands at the height of the chin and place ourselves in front of the wall, to a approximate distance of about 50 cm. Keep in mind that the higher the distance, the greater the level of difficulty of the exercise.
  2. Next, we flex the knees and descend the buttocks and the trunk making a squat. Remember to keep your back upright and the ball at the same height as in step 1.
  3. We return to the initial position by extending the knees, hip and arms and throw the medicinal ball into the wall.
  4. We wait for the ball to do its tour. When receiving the ball, we must flex the knees, so that the hips are at the same height.
  5. Repeat the exercise.
Normally the exact point is marked on the wall where the ball must be bounced so that the repetition is valid. One of the keys to the technique of this exercise is to look at the point where you are going to throw the medicinal ball. In the following video, you can See in detail the technique to execute a wall ball shot:

What muscles are working?

As we have advanced at the beginning of this article, The Ball Shots Wall are a very complete exercise that works muscle groups of both the upper and lower train. Here are some of them:
  • Buttocks
  • Ischiotibial
  • Quadriceps
  • Twins
  • Triceps
  • Core
  • Pectoral
  • Scapulas
  • Deltoid
  • Trapeze
If there is something that loves us to the wall ball shots is its effectiveness, since being a very simple exercise to perform, it is perfect to burn calories and can be done anywhere. If you like Know many more Cross Traning exercises, do not hesitate to take an eye on our Blog.


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