Best foods for polycystic ovary syndrome

What is the SOP?

The SOP (acronym that is known to the polycystic ovary syndrome) is an endocrine disorder, which can be started during puberty or close to it. It affects 5-15% of women of fertile age.

How is SOP diagnosed?

It is considered that to be diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, at least 2 of the following 3 criteria must be met:
  • Hyperandrogenism: It is characterized by the presence of acne, hirsutism and androgenic alopecia. Hirsutism is the presence of hair in more masculine areas. A priori, a woman should not have excess hair in areas such as the face, chest, back ...
  • Menstrual alteration: It is common for women with SOP to present amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and/or oligomenorrhea (less than 9 menstrual periods per year).
  • Polycystic Ovarian Morphology

For a correct diagnosis, it is recommended to go to a gynecologist and/or endocrine, since they will be the professionals responsible for doing the relevant tests and performing an exhaustive diagnosis. Clarified this, let's know the paper tan important that plays food in the life of a person with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Food and Sop

In women with SOP, there is usually an intrinsic insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes, obesiad and heart disease. In addition, when we are faced with this clinical picture, there is also usually infertility. For this reason, the diet is essential to take care of it when you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. The first thing we recommend is that guidelines are not taken as the fact of "being on a diet", but as a lifestyle that will benefit them in the long term. It seems obvious, but when the person does not mentalize in this way, it is very difficult for him to continue with the guidelines given for a long time. As dietotherapy, the ketogenic diet has obtained good results in women with SOP. It has been observed that it improves the lipid profile, low levels of inflammation, much more stable blood insulin levels (which translates into greater satiety over time and less anxiety for food). It has been demonstrated in scientific studies, that the ketogenic diet is a good option, since the musculature can be maintained and lower at the same time fat percentage in the event that it was necessary. As we always say, it is a more alternative that can adapt to your needs, and not for that reason the only one that exists. You can wear a varied, balanced diet that benefits us without labeling and restricting food groups. We must take into account the combination of food, their cooking method, as well as try to increase the intake of all those who will help you if you have SOP.


We do not recommend eliminating this group in your diet. Avoid taking those refined and enriched with sugar, since it would raise blood glucose levels much more. We recommend ingesting integral carbohydrates, not cooking the pasta too much, avoiding white bread and influencing a greater consumption of integral oatmeal, barley, sarracene wheat, rye ...


Very good option to include in our diet. Depending on legume tolerance, consumption is recommended 2-3 times per week. They contain enough protein and help satisfy us. We take the opportunity to deny that soybeans are dangerous in SOP or other hormonal disorders. As in any person, we would assess whether it was necessary


We recommend that you take them whole. When we crush the fruit, apart from the fact that we need a lot of pieces to fill a simple glass of juice, we remove the fiber that tan necessary and beneficial is for our body. The fruits that we most recommend in context with SOP are: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries. And those that have the greatest glycemic index are; Mango, grapes, pineapple ... those that are usually avoided consume are syrup fruits, dehydrated fruit or fruits processed jams. This does not mean that we cannot introduce it in our diet, we simply recommend varying consumption and letting you know the effect of each food.


Take variety of them since they give us many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants ... the ones that have the greatest glycemic index (due to the starch) are: pumpkin, sweet potato, potato, cassava ... and those with the lowest glycemic index are those green leafy (lettuce, spinach, canons ...). According to the context, perhaps the possibility of consuming more foods with the highest glycemic index, since some people, for their level of physical activity, require it to be able to perform to the maximum in their training. A way to lower the glycemic load to a food is refrigerating it for 24 hours after cooking it. Combine all vegetables and make sure you eat variety.


The general recommendations are 0.8g of protein/kg of weight, but eating some 1.8-2g/kg of weight has not been seen that it can have an impact on health. In fact, when we eat enough protein (animal or plant origin), there is greater satiety and is very positive in weight loss. High protein foods: egg, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, textured soy, seitan, almonds ...


There are women with very low HDL cholesterol levels, and therefore they can suffer amenorrhea. There are foods that contain very healthy and necessary fats for the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Always prioritize fats from food and not processed. Extra virgin olive oil is a super food that we can include in our meals. We can also obtain healthy fats through dairy, nuts, avocado, cow butter (eliminate margarines and the like). Even in weight loss diets, fats remain essential, as long as the amounts are controlled, but it is never recommended to eliminate them 100%. To your dishes or infusions we recommend that you add turmeric, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has been proven that it helps in the fertility of women. We recommend mixing it with black pepper, since in this way you will increase its degree of absorption.


Being of good quality, and more than 85% will always be a success to include it in the diet. It can help improve the menstrual cycle, improve insulin resistance. It is always better to combine it with other foods to improve absorption and not cause anxiety to eat more. For example: an ounce of chocolate at the end of eating, or next to the oats of the mornings.

Vitamin d

It is common to find it low in the analytics of patients with SOP, therefore, we recommend supplementation guided by a professional and influence food consumption such as tuna, sardines, mackerel ... A low level of vitamin D is associated with fertility problems.


Coffee is also recommended, as long as there is no great abuse in its consumption. If you have good tolerance and use quality coffee, you can take it pre-anterne, or when you need to chop between hours you can help you control it. Always advisable to use natural coffee, and preferable sweeten if necessary with Stevia.

Sop and sport

We always recommend that the diet be accompanied by a good physical exercise routine. Several studies show that in women with SOP, it is highly advisable Before ... there are numerous ways to increase physical activity in your day to day and help you better carry out the possible effects of this syndrome. This is the minimum recommended, from there, everything you do more will continue to contribute benefits. Of course there are athletes in various sports that have reached the top being diagnosed with SOP. Therefore, we encourage you to be a barrier in your life, and that you take your health very seriously. Content written by:

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