Box Jump: Try it and you won't want to stop doing this exercise

If you are a regular in training CrossFit You will know that Jump box It is one of the exercises that are most repeated in the Wods. However, if you just started and you have tried it for the first time, you probably wanted to run out of fear of falling. In addition, despite being a very simple exercise to execute, Its level of demand is very high. You don't have to worry, since we explain what is the Jump box, how to run it safely to avoid any injury and what muscles work. Continue reading and you will never fear doing this exercise again.

What is the Jump box?

The Jump box, also known as a drawer jump, It is a plyometric exercise which consists of jumping to a drawer, which can be of different heights, with both legs together. Being a plyometric exercise, that is, exercises that combine force with speed and agility, The muscles work explosively. However, although a priori seems a very easy movement to perform, a bad execution can cause injuries. Therefore, it is essential that when you make the Jump box, you have a drawer sure that you do not have any damage, in addition to carrying out the technique correctly.

jump to the drawer crossfit exercise

Remember that You can always consult your coach to guide you and advise at all times. Surely, following your indications and recommendations you will have no problem.

How to make a Jump box

Learn in Four simple steps To make a Jump box: Steps to follow:
  1. First, Place yourself in front of the drawer at a distance of approximately 20 cm. The feet have to be positioned at the same width as the hips and aligned with their knees.
  2. Now touch take impulse with the legs to jump On the drawer. You can help you with your arms to gain strength, extend them back while you flex your hips. Remember not to bow the trunk forward.
  3. It is time for takeoff. Make a jump and land on the drawer with both feet. Try that at the time you rest your feet in the drawer, both the knees and the hip are flexed to cushion the fall. When you have your feet, stretch your hip.
  4. Finally, Go back to the initial position. You must jump back, flex your knees to reduce the impact when touching the ground.

Remember that it is very important to follow the technique in this exercise to prevent an erroneous movement from being a reason for an injury, especially in the pimples, which are the ones that suffer the most. You can always get some good pimples To have some protection. In this video you can see in detail How a Jump Box is done:


What muscles are working when you run a Jump box?

Although, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is a plyometric exercise that involves several muscle areas, especially the lower train muscles:
  • Quadriceps.
  • Buttocks
  • Ischiotibial.
  • Twins.
In addition to these four muscle groups, The abdomen also works In this exercise having to contract at the time of jumping.

Drawer jump: alternatives to take into account

As you acquire more experience and improve the technique, you can increase the difficulty. These are some examples of variations of a Jump box:

Jump box with weight

It consists of performing the same movements that are made with a normal Jump box, but adding weight. You can use dumbbells, a medicinal ball, a Lotted vest, a kettlebell, etc.

Box Jumps Overs

This Box Jump variant consists in making the same movement but, in addition to jumping to the drawer, The athlete must end on the other side of the starting point. You can do it by supporting you either, jump from side to side without touching the drawer. In this video you have all the details:

The Burpee Box Jump Over

It consists of making a Jump Over box, adding to the exercise a burpee before and after of the jump. In this blog post we tell you What are the burpees, how to do them and the types that exist. You can also watch this video to know how it is done step by step:
Now that you know what a Jump box is and how to execute it, surely you have lost your fear and you want to try it. Remember that it is recommended Use proper protection To avoid blows or injuries that can interrupt your workouts. In PICSIL you will find a wide variety of products for your training CrossFit, from sports kneelets until wristbands, weighed belts either Grips. Train your technique in the box, at home or in the park and become the king or queen of the Jump box.


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