5 nutritional tips to train in summer

Even if they have taken, the sun, heat and summer are here. This also means that the holidays are already just around the corner and surely you are already noticing it in your day to box. But, training in summer is different from doing it for the rest of the year: we change routine, we socialize more and training becomes harder with high temperatures. Therefore, we give you 5 nutritional tips to train correctly in summer. To do this, we have talked to Iñaki Domínguez, dietitian and physiotherapist of the Pamplona box CrossFit Rune, to explain and recommend Good nutritional habits To continue giving iron in summer.

1. If you follow a diet during the year, do not leave it in summer

Our expert insists on clarifying the concept of diet. If it is understood as "the set of food you eat to meet your needs and always be well all year, Summer is no exception"However, it is recommended Adapt food to activity and weather since we sweat more and lose more liquids and salts. If we understand the diet as a thinning type but only that food programming is applied from October to May, and we break those habits in summer, Domínguez points out that it is not a good option. "The key would be to take summer to give you oxygen If the nutritional issue is complicated, but not throwing everything by land. "

2. Take advantage of seasonal products

According to Domínguez, seasonal products are One of the pillars of the Mediterranean diet. "Those seasonal products will give us more satiety and, on the other hand, greater hydrosaline contribution." Even so, we must not put aside foods that we take the rest of the year as the lean protein (meats, fish, eggs, dairy, soybeans, etc.) and healthy fats (seeds, nuts or vegetable oils). Therefore, Allied seasonal foods to train in summer They are the ones that "provide medium or fast assimilations, salts and liquids," says our expert.

  • Aqueous fruits Like watermelon, melon, mango as pre and/or post training.
  • Vegetables such as buds or endive.
  • Fresh vegetable soups such as the gazpacho, the salmorejo and other cold creams.
If we do not have much time or desire to cook, Domínguez recommends the following healthy fast food strategies:
  • Detox liquefied: They are a good incoming since they provide vitamins and minerals beyond the motto 'detox'.
  • Gazpachos and cold creams
  • Salads already prepared With fresh products and that you compare yourself
  • Sprout salads or green leaves, seeds and other healthy fats (avocado, olives, nuts) and a grilled or boiled protein part in the case of meats, fish or eggs.
You don't have to rule out legumes As lentils, chickpeas or beans, especially if we are going to train in summer. "You have to cook in another way. This is the magic of gastronomy, to be able to take legumes in salad or other dish than the traditional," says Domínguez.

Healthy pre-edge ideas

  • Must ensure energy, hydration and salts.
  • Energy fruit with liquid: Mango (highly recommended), melon, watermelon or even banana.
  • Isotonic drink: Take between 150-250ml together with a fruit.
  • For A plus of energy: A coffee or drinks with Guaraná.

Healthy post-sobering ideas

  • It is necessary combine protein with carbohydrates to improve the assimilation of both.
  • Standard proportion (1g hydrate per 1g protein): 400ml of water, 15-30g of powder protein and 1 small/medium banana or 2 pieces of fruit. Or protein with oat milk.
  • Recommended proportion (2g hydrate per 1g protein): 400ml of rice milk, 15-30g of powder protein and 1 small/medium banana or 2 pieces of fruit
  • Proportion for competitors (3g of protein hydrate): 400ml of water, 15-30g of powder protein, more fruit and/or a complement such as oatmeal or cereals.

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3. Take care of hydration if you train in summer

High intensity training, type crossfit Or Hiit, they become tougher in summer due to the heat and environmental humidity, whether in a box or abroad. The body loses much more water in addition to salts and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the organism. Therefore, the recommendation of sports nutritionist Iñaki Domínguez is from Provide water and salts before, during and after training.
  • Before training: drink water.
  • During training: water with electrolytes such as a solution with salts or a standard isotonic drink.
  • After training: isotonic drink or recomponent foods such as a fruit juice.
"If you only drink water and train many hours, you can arrive in a state of hyponatremia, that is, an electrolytic alteration for not incorporating salts," says Domínguez. Besides, allows you to improve during long wods or avoid suffering cramps or the rise of a muscular group. As for amounts, for functional training, it would be enough to take a total of 500ml or 600ml of water with salts and divide the shots before, during and after training. "To avoid problems of digestion, feeling of heaviness and improving assimilation, it is better to perform 150ml shots. And if it can be a bit fresh, better, "says the expert.

Homemade isotonic drink

  • 1 liter of water
  • 6 tablespoons of panela or brown sugar
  • 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of salt (to the taste of each)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate

4. Adapt your diet to physical activity

For people who prefer to stop training in summer or practice other physical activities, it is necessary Adapt feeding to exercise change. "You have to adapt the shots to A minor density at an energy level"Domínguez explains." It is best to opt for more satiating foods Like salads, using raw and foods that need to be well chewed. "In addition to looking for a certain regularity in meals to avoid spending with an empty stomach. Another option that I recommend our nutritionist is OPT FOR INTERMITTENT FASHIPS, twice a week in periods from 12pm to 16h. "But you have to study each case," he warns.

5. Date Caprichos in a moderate way

Summer is a time to break the routine, even training, and enjoy new experiences. At a nutritional level, summer is a very sociable in which one can neglect food programming followed the rest of the year. In this sense, Iñaki Domínguez recommends caprices but moderately.

  • Alcohol: You may come out of reeds with your box friends after training and, even if you have hydrated, alcohol can cause you a water deficiency the next day.
  • Ice cream: They contain quick assimilation sugars, saturated fats and a lot of lactose. "If you are a bit sensitive, even if you are not intolerant, it can affect you more in summer due to an excess of lactose intake."
  • Grills and barbecues: They are very salty meat products that if the tabs are neglected, it may be burned "generating pyrolytic derivatives that has a procroncergen effect before a high and long -term intake of them. It takes advantage of the alternative grills of vegetables, fish, etc. , Always controlling the degree of tabs. In addition, being very salty, it will dehydrate you and you will drink more beer, and enter a vicious circle"Domínguez points out.
  • Juices: Avoid industrial, bottle or brick juices, as they contain many added sugars.

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Therefore, The key is moderation or opt for healthy alternatives of some of these products:

  • Juic from biological origin: They are less sweet and do not usually wear added sugars, although you always have to read the labeling.
  • Detox juices: They are liquefied with very interesting nutritional contributions and minerals, according to Domínguez.
  • Smoothies: They contain more fiber than juices and if we add vegan or whey protein they are A good post-sign.
  • Protein ice cream: Whether from a specialized or homemade brand, this option is healthier since it exists A balance between hydrates and protein which allows a better assimilation of these nutrients.
  • Healthy tapas: Instead of opting for potatoes or fried, you can accompany your cane with Thealthier apas such as olives, ham, anchovies or nuts.
As a last recommendation, Iñaki Domínguez insists on Do not leave physical activity at all:"Not training in your usual place is not an excuse to stop exercising." Hiit free modalities, which include running or swimming, are easy to practice anywhere. "It is to seek to maintain our active metabolism." As you can see, these 5 nutritional tips to train in summer They seek to maintain each other's food programming but adapting it to seasonal food and contributing More hydration to combat sweating and loss of electrolytes. In addition, you can enjoy the little pleasure of summer but always moderately or opting for healthier options.
And you, what do you usually do in summer to perform in your training? Leave your comment below. Enjoy the summer!


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