Tips not to open your hands if you train in summer

Are you not going to leave your training this summer? Good decision. But before, you will have to adapt your feeding –And especially your hydration - as well as your hands to weather conditions. Yeah You do not want to open your hands training in the box, on the beach or on the street this summer, here are some tips. Summer is a good time to break the routine and change some habits such as training. Instead of training in the dark of the box, many take advantage of the good weather to train on the street, on the beach or in the park. However, we must bear in mind that training in full sun and heat can be a challenge for your body, your mind and especially your hands. In functional training type crossfit, Your hands are your main work tools. And although you take care of them all year, You have to have special care in summer so as not to open your hands.

Take care of your calluses

We have already dedicated two articles on the blog of PICSIL About the care of your Crossfiter hands. However, we will remember the keys to the care of calluses:
  • File
  • Hydrate daily and in depth

Avoid training with wet hands

In summer, we tend to have our hands more wet than the rest of the year. It may be due to Sweat, wetting your hands to refresh you, swim in the pool or sea, etc. By that contact with liquid elements, the skin of your hands can be more fragile and hurt more easily. In addition to sweat and use more magnesium to improve grip in the bar or rack. Sweat and magnesium is the perfect formula to lift a callus making dominated. If that happens, here are our recommendations to cure your war wounds.

Check that the material is in conditions of use

When you train in the box or gym, you may not pay attention to the status of the material you use. But in summer, and more when a rack or a bar stays hours in full sun, better to be cautious. Olympic bars, rack, kettlebells, dumbbells ... There are many elements that we use in a wod and that They need extra attention on your part in summer outside the box to avoid opening your hands.

  • If you train outdoors, check that the material Not burning Or your hands will also suffer burns.
  • If you train on the beach, which You don't strain a grain of sand. We will avoid making our blood silly. Even saltpeter can be an enemy in the WOD.
  • If you train in a park, the rack may be dirty or damaged. Look to see if it doesn't bother you to do your training.

Whether in a classic training or during a competition, paying attention to those details will avoid having a hard time once the chrono starts.

How not to open your hands while training

On the one hand, we recommend you extra care for all the conditions you have just seen. Do not neglect the calluses and hydrate your hands every day so that they are always in optimal conditions. On the other hand, Try to dry your hands With paper or a towel to improve your grip and avoid chafing with the material. In addition, add an extra protection with A good cream solar high protection index. Surely you smear your body and face, but your hands also suffer from sunburn. Although, our recommendation is to use protection:

  • Grips. They are the best option to avoid chafing, open your calluses, soak the sweat of your hands and not spend heat. Visit the Online store of PICSIL To discover our range of Grips for crossfit.
  • Gloves. Whether whole gloves or cycling type, they assure you complete protection of the palm of the hand during the WOD and even in full sun. Disadvant: You can sweat more and lose some grip in the rack or with the bar. We recommend you opt for breathable gloves and adjusted to your hands.
  • Tape. If you don't like gloves and have left the Grips At home, a very helpful option is use tape that allows you to improvise a Grip Breathable and flexible that will protect your hands from the heat of the bar and friction.
As you can see, your hands Crossfiter hands They need an extra care in summer to Do not end wounds and blisters. And you, What tricks do you use not to open your hands when training in summer? Tell us in comments or our social networks.


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