AMRAP: What is this type of training?

If you are entering the world Crossfit Surely you will have heard more than once the term amrap or it will not take long to do it, since it is one of the WODS (Works of the Day or more used work). And it's not for less. Do you want to meet him and get the most out? Well, don't miss a single word of this article. Let's go there!

What does Amrap mean?

It is nothing new than in Crossfit Many terms are used in English and this was not going to be the exception. As we tell you in our post What is the crossfit, What is it for and who is directed. (which we recommend if you are thinking of starting with this motivating discipline), AMRAP means:

"As many repetitions as possible" or as many repetitions as possible.

This means, basically, that you will have a stipulated time to perform this WOD and you must do, of the marked exercises, as many repetitions or rounds as possible. Therefore, the first thing you should know is how long the WOD will last and what are the exercises you face. An amrap does not usually last more than 20 minutes; Moreover, you will many times find amrap of only 7 minutes. Thus explained it seems an easy task ("all the repetitions you can for x minutes"), but be careful, it is not tan Easy as it seems, since we talk about medium-high intensity training. The shorter the AMRAP is, the probably more intense it will be. Races, weights, dead weight, flexions, dominated and burpees (those who are more afraid than carbohydrates, but for very different reasons) are just some of the exercises you can find in an AMrap.

The objective of an AMRAP training

The purpose of this training is to endure from beginning to end without reducing your performance. And the key to achieving it is Learn to dose, what seems obvious and easy but it is not. It will be of no use to start maximum power if you can not half with your soul and you can't finish it or do it with a much lower performance. In the amrap The mind plays a crucial role. You must always keep in mind the exercises that are part of the WOD to dose your speed. Think what exercises you are best for, which ones need a greater effort, which you can let your arms or legs rest, which ones you can do faster ... you will have to learn to regulate yourself to ration your energy, not lose performance and every day Get more repetitions or rounds. All that while telling your mind and body that is almost, to endure a little more. There is nothing.

How do I physically prepare to face any amrap type training?

It will sound repetitive, but especially in this type of training, it is Very important That you start with A good warming. Think that an amrap is tan Fast as intense and your body cannot go from 0 to 100 in 1 second, at least not if you want to avoid injuries that prevent you from training for a good season. So do not fall in the mistake of thinking that, because the AMrap lasts a few minutes, you can save the heating time. It is important that you begin with mobility exercises That your joints and muscles prepare for what awaits them and dynamic exercises that upload your pulsations, so the subsequent impact on your body will be much lower and can work at its maximum performance. In addition, keep in mind that, when going as quickly as possible, it is very likely that at some point you will end up neglecting the technique, so, if you do not heat up, you will have a greater risk of injury. We recommend that in the Crossfit And especially in the AMRAP (as in almost everything in this life), sacrifice quantity for quality. Try not to lose sight of the technique to make sure you get the maximum performance of the session without harming you. If you are starting with this type of wod, It is advisable that you start for a short duration, adapting exercises to your physical abilities (remember that short amrap can be even more intense). 7 minutes can be a good start. Your goal will be to improve repetitions and endure longest amrap without reducing the medium-high intensity. Little by little. Do not underestimate this training, one more minute can be the difference between your body suffering more than you are prepared to endure or not. It is important that your first amrap are in a Box For you Coach can adapt it to you. The training on your own, for when you control it well. Especially if you are going to use material during training, do not forget to equip yourself with good Grips And the rest of the Protection elementsYour body will end up thanking you.

Benefits of this type of training

We go to the part that most usually interest us. We hope you have not skipped the rest of the article and have come directly to this paragraph, which we know. The benefits of AMRAP training in Crossfit There are many:

  • Train at the speed of light: Ideal for the days you don't have much time. Between 7 and 20 minutes you have the training made.
  • You put your mind tested: We have already commented that your head will be your greatest ally in this training. Its endurance and dosage capacity explodes.
  • You accelerate your metabolism: Perfect to burn fat (but don't forget the diet, without it we do nothing).
  • You increase your cardiovascular and muscular capacity at the same time: You can't ask for training more.
  • You need little material: This type of routine can be done with exercises in which you use only your own weight, although as you move forward you will feel more.
  • You overcome yourself: The pique is assured, you will want to make more repetitions every day.
  • You assure yourself a motivation: If you train in groups you cannot avoid competing and motivating each other.
What do you think? What is you already wanting?


Some amrap type training examples

AMRAP 20 minutes:

20 Double Unders - See video

15 kettlebell swings- See video

5 push ups or flexions - See video

Amrap 5 minutes:

15 Pull UPS - See video

15 Kettlebell Deadlift- See video

15 Double Unders - See video


In the world Crossfit AMRAP are something of day to day and the reason is their multiple physical and mental benefits in a short time. If you are starting, remember: we recommend that you gradually familiarize yourself with this type of training, if possible under the supervision of your Coach Quiet, it won't take long to realize how addictive and rewarding it is. And, if you are already an expert in these routines, keep working, surely you can still do a few more repetitions. Your maximum potential is yet to be discovered and the AMRAP are the perfect way to achieve it, so it was excuses and to work that resistance. Do we launch the countdown? P.D Leave us a comment counting your experience with this type of training, so you will finish motivating those who still have any doubt!













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