Abdominals in Cross Training: What exercises and routines exist?

One of the main objectives of athletes when exercising is to tone their muscles. In the event that you want to work on the group of muscles found in the abdomen and eliminate the fat that covers them, you must perform two things fundamentally: carry a healthy diet and perform an exercise routine. Abdominals are one of the force exercises in crossfit more common And, therefore, we are going to explain the most common exercises and routines that can appear in a WOD and you can do in a box.

Why should abdominals work?

Working the abdominals is crossfit Not only is it aesthetics, but it also fulfills the following functions:

  • It helps us Protect our internal organs, since there is no bone structure that protects them, this function falls, among other muscles, in the abs.
  • Thanks to abdominal exercises We improve our body posture. By working them, we reinforce all the muscles that are involved in the joints that allow us to keep the body straight. And, of course, annoying back pain will be reduced.
  • We will breathe better, just as you read. Abdominals also intervene in the respiratory process and, therefore, we will improve breathing.
  • In addition to helping us reducate those annoying Michelines, by working the abdominals in crossfit, Those who suffer abdominal distension for different reasons will notice an improvement in a short time.

Abdominals are exercises that They imply a lot of strength and resistance, but you will also need a lot of technique to be effective And thus, obtain results. If you have any questions, you can consult your coach to advise you.

Abdominal exercises and routines in Crossfit

Next, we explain the abdominal routines in Crossfit more common:

Hollow Rocks

One of the usual abdominal routines in Crossfit It is the Hollow Rocks, also known as Hollow Balance. This exercise consists of balancing with the body face, the legs raised at an angle of 45º and the trunk and the stretched arms, so that we have a posture in “curve”. In this video you can see all the details of this exercise:

Bicycle Crunches

Do you want some scandal abdominals but do you not like doing traditional exercises? The Bicycle Crunches They are one of the abdominal routines in Crossfit easier to do. This exercise mainly works oblique, in addition to the central area of ​​the abdomen. To do it you have to place yourself sitting, so that both buttocks and the lumbar zone are supported by the ground. Once sitting, place your hands behind your head and lift a leg, bend your knee to the chest and gather it with the elbow of the opposite arm. Now repeat with the other leg and see alternating. The legs cannot touch the ground. Here you have a video to see how it is done:

Tuck ups

The Tuck ups, very frequent in abdominal routines in Crossfit, They are very similar to the Hollow Rock, but with some peculiarities. In this case, the body must adopt a position on the back, fully extended. First we get our feet and raise them slightly, to activate the abdomen. Next, we flex the knees while raising the torso to the chest and returns to the original position. Check out this video to know all the details:

Mountain Climber

He Mountain Climber It is one of the most complete abdominal exercises that you can find in the box, since it is the combination of two movements, the iron and the elevation of knees, which imply different groups of muscles that make the entire body work. To execute this exercise, we must place mouth with our hands placed at the height of the shoulders and extended arms, such as an isometric iron. From there, we carry a knee to the opposite elbow and alternate with the other knee. To perform this exercise it is essential to have a high level. Here you have a video to watch all the details:

Russian Twist

In this list of exercises and routines to work the abdomen in Crossfit, I could not miss the Russian Twist. This exercise is perfect to achieve a steel abdomen, since it combines strength and movements coordinated with our body. To execute it, we need a heavy dumbbell, a medicinal ball or a Russian weight. We sat down and take a dumbbell, incline the trunk slightly about 45º back and took off the feet of the ground. Then we turn the throne to one side and the other. In this video you can check all the details:


In this post you can learn more about the Russian Twist and its variations.


One of the most affective exercises to work the abdomen area are SIT UPS. It is a very easy movement to perform, but that requires a high level level, so it is recommended for athletes that have long followed a training routine. In addition, it is essential to strictly follow each of the steps to perform the sites, since otherwise they can suffer annoying back injuries. You have more information in Our guide to the sites. In this video you can know the details:

Abdominal plank or plate

The Plank, also known as abdominal plate, is one of the most effective exercises on this list to get a strong and toned abdomen. One of its great advantages is that when you work, in addition to the abdomen, several muscle groups such as biceps or quadriceps, among others. To do it, you must put your face down, supporting the forearms and tips of the feet on the ground, so that your body form a straight line. You will find more information in this article: "Perfect plank for a steel abdomen: 3 variations"In this video you can know the details:

What muscles work when you do abdominals?

These are the main muscles that we work when performing abdominals:

  • Superior abdomen.
  • Lower abdomen.
  • External and internal obliques.
  • Piriform muscle
  • Abdominal straight muscle.
  • Sartorius
Abdominals in Crossfit They are a very childish type of exercises, since in addition to strengthening our belly, it provides many other advantages. Also, if the We properly combine with other types of movements or routines, we can work our body completely. Remember that the most important thing when exercising is to protect our body well to avoid injuries or discomfort. Therefore, we recommend that you always have a extra protection Like a lumbar belt, wristbands and Knee And thus, beat your own brands every day.


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