Cross Training exercises to train the legs and gain strength

When we practice CrossFit And we follow a routine, it is important to train the lower train, since almost the entire weight of our body falls on it, so it must be one of the most exercised areas. In addition, one of the advantages of leg training, is that it also allows you to exercise other muscles such as buttocks or torso. One of the benefits of training CrossFit For legs It is that in addition to performing exercises to gain strength in the legs, you will improve coordination, agility, resistance, speed and muscles will be very toned. For all this, we have prepared a guide with 6 Exercises to train your legs that we explain below.

6 exercises of CrossFit To train the legs

These are the exercises of a training of CrossFit To train legs with which You will be able to enhance the lower train of your body. You will find them in countless Wods, and they are always an option to take into account for Open Box sessions.


Thruster are one of the exercises that have the greatest popularity in the world of CrossFit. This movement is a compound exercise which consists of performing a front squat along with a Military Press. To execute it, you must place the bar on the shoulders, make a squat and return to the original position to extend your arms up the bar. In addition to work legs, with this movement too We exercise buttocks or triceps. In this video you can know all the details of this exercise:
You can also read this article in which we explain to you How to do Thrusters with bar and dumbbells.

Overhead Squats

The squats, or squats, are A classic in training CrossFit For legs, and can be performed using only body weight or using some material such as weights or bars to add greater resistance. The Overhead Squat is about A variant of the classic squat to which we add a bar as an additional element. To do it, you must stand with your legs wide and hold the bar with your hands separated at hip height (initial position). Next, we raise the bar above our head and make a squat. The most important thing about this movement is to keep the bar above the head, without the body leaning. Here we leave a video that explains step by step how to make an overhead squat:


One of the most complete exercises in training CrossFit They are the burpees, also known as soldiers, since works several muscle groups, among them, twins, quadriceps, triceps and shoulders. It is also a resistance and cardiovascular exercise. To make a burpee correctly, we must start making a squat and support the hands on the ground. Next, we will jump back with the legs stretched and when the feet touch the surface and we are stretched, we will make a flexion. Finally, we pick up, take impulse and make a leap with extended arms. Here we leave you a video with all the details:
If you want to know more about the burpees, discover in this post What are the burpees, types and how to do them correctly

Jump box or drawer jump

As its name indicates, the Jump box consists of jumping from a drawer. It is a very complete exercise in which in addition to train the lower train, muscles that are in the middle zone are also exercised such as the abdomen. This training of CrossFit For legs it consists of jumping with both legs at the same time on a drawer. It is important to flex the knees when falling into the drawer and also at the time of descending, as well as the hip, to avoid any injury. In this video explains step by step how to make drawer jumps:

Wall Balls

For this exercise we will need fundamentally A medicinal ball (Depending on the intensity of the exercise, it will be between 1 kg up to 10 kilos) and A high wall. This leg training will also help you exercise buttocks, hamstrings, pectorals, shoulders and triceps. To run a wall ball, you first have to make a squat holding the medicinal ball, so that it is at the height of the chin. When we have placed each other perfectly in the initial position, we climbed, we throw the ball up and upon receiving it we return a squat. In this video you can check all the details:

Dead or Deadlift

Dead weight is very common in training CrossFit for legs because It is very effective. It works several muscle groups, among them, those of the legs, so it is one of the better exercises to gain strength on the legs. To execute it we must place the legs and grab the bar at the width of the shoulders. Once placed, with your knees slightly flexed, we must tilt the hip forward taking chest so that the back is not arched. At that time, with the legs and knees blocked, we begin to climb the bar attached to our body. You can also try the deadly dead weight, similar to conventional dead weight but changing the position of the legs: in this video you can see all the details:
In addition, in this article we tell you the Benefits, Execution and Technique of Dead Weight Sumo or Sumo Deadlift.

Walking Lunges

A great Exercise to strengthen legs that do not require a complex technique Not an out of the normal physical capabilities. The Walking Lunges are the lifelong strides that will allow you to train both buttocks and gain strength in your legs. The most important when executing this exercise, is that maintain a straight position both in the torso and when folding the knees. To perform this exercise you simply have to keep your foot separated at shoulder height, step forward with your choice's leg, While bending the knee until it is parallel to the ground. The other leg must be flexed until the knee reaches the ground,
In the following post you have the Complete guide to do walking lunges

Why are leg training important?

Remember, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, that the training of CrossFit For legs they help us gain more strength and muscle mass in this area of ​​the body, very important, since the weight falls on it when we train or perform any day -to -day activity. There are many exercises to train and gain strength in the legs, however, the most important thing is that are performed with the appropriate technique to avoid future injuries. If you have any questions, you can consult your coach to advise you. In addition, do not forget to train with a extra protection, therefore, we recommend that you always have Knee, Shin Guards And even wristbands either Grips When you have to lift weight.


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