How the Snatch Balance is performed: Technique and advice

What is the Snatch Balance?

He Snatch balance It is an exercise very common in training Cross Training, better known as crossfit. ANDThis is Weighing lifting that implies down quickly under a bar from a high position and catching it in a full squat position. The movement is used to improve speed, agility and precision in it Snatch, which is another weight lifting exercise that involves raising the bar from the ground to a high position on the head in a single fluid movement. 

Benefits Snatch Balance

The Snatch Balance is a Highly effective exercise to improve technique, strength and flexibility in weightlifting. Some of the specific benefits of Snatch Balance are: 

  • Improves the Snatch technique. 
  • Develop strength and stability. 
  • Improves mobility. 
  • Increase speed. 
  • Increase trust. 

How does the SNatch technique influence 

Muscles working in Snatch Balance

The Snatch Balance is an exercise of weightlifting that works several muscle groups in the body, including: 

  • Legs: The quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and calves are the main muscles that are activated during the Snatch Balance.  
  • Shoulders: The shoulders are also an important muscular group in the Snatch Balance, since they are responsible for lifting the bar over the head and keeping it in its place while getting down. 
  • Abdominal and back. 
  • Hip flexors: Hip flexors are also activated during the Snatch Balance, are used to down quickly under the bar and reach the full squat position. 

In general, The Snatch Balance is a full body exercise which requires a lot of strength, stability and muscular coordination to perform it effectively. 

Technique of Snatch Balance 

For Make a Snatch Balance, follow these steps: 

  1. Start with the bar placed at shoulder height, with the feet separated at the width of the shoulders and elbows pointing towards the ground. 
  2. Stir slightly and then with an explosion, wear the bar up on the head, stretching your arms. 
  3. Immediately after reaching the standing position, it starts down under the bar, bending the knees and falling into a full squat position. 
  4. Make sure your knees are in line with your feet and that you maintain a good posture while holding the bar in a high position. 
  5. Then, get up again and push the bar up, returning to the initial position. 


Common errors in Snatch Balance

The SNATCH BALANCE is one of the most technical and demanding exercises in our Cross Training training or better known as crossfit, So it is common for some mistakes to be made when making it. Some of the common mistakes in the Snatch Balance include: 

  1. Lack of stability. 
  1. Bad technique. 
  1. Lack of strength 
  1. Bad posture. 
  1. Do not heat properly. 

It is important to work with an experienced coach to make sure the SNATCH BALANCE correctly and correct any technical error. 


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